Benefits of Acupuncture by Chris Chenoweth
Benefits of Acupuncture By Chris Chenoweth What is acupuncture? Acupuncture uses small needles inserted at various points on the body to benefit the improvement of many physical health conditions as well as increasing mental clarity. Because oriental medicine uses a holistic approach, acupuncture is a treatment used to treat the whole body. Acupuncture is now accepted in the mainstream medical community. Since it has been proven to be effective in treating many medical conditions, it is now used as an alternative or an addition to conventional medicine. Acupuncture works directly with the body's energy (qi) because practitioners of acupuncture believe that all illnesses are caused by the natural flow of energy through the body becoming weakened or exhausted. This makes the individual more vulnerable to illnesses. According to the practice of acupuncture, the rebalance of energy (qi) is established by treating specific acupoints on the body related to the symptoms. Effective ...