How to fix erectile dysfunction although you have diabetes! by Dr. Ahmed

 How to fix erectile dysfunction although you have diabetes!


How to fix erectile dysfunction although you have diabetes!

 This is Dr Ahmed again and I am an endocrinologist and also diabetes expert. Today I am going to talk to you about erectile dysfunction that is super common in men in my clinic I deal with that pretty

Much every day and today I will talk to you about why erectile dysfunction happens in men  and I will talk to you about your treatment options let's get started 

Erectile dysfunction is very common it can happen in men even before the diagnosis of diabetes. It happens as a result of damage to your arteries and your nerves. Now as you can imagine diabetes does the same thing to pretty much every other artery and nerve in your body. Actually if you have erectile dysfunction there is a good  chance that you may have other arterial problems so basically the blood flow is not enough to give you a firm enough penis to have a satisfactory sexual intercourse.

What do you really do so if it is already at that stage where you're experiencing erectile dysfunction? You may have to look into a few things.

Number one you have to control your diabetes and get your diabetes under control but not only that you have to also control your cholesterol and you also have to control your blood pressure.

I sometimes watch some doctors saying that oh eat salt. Salt is good for you or just eat all the grease and eat steak every day. That's not going to help your erectile dysfunction. Your sugars may be okay eating steak every day but you will still have erectile dysfunction.

So let's get this good straightened up so you have to control your blood pressure. Control your cholesterol and control your blood sugar at the same time. It's like a little tripod, if you do not fix one leg you still fall so you have to make sure that you fix all the legs and control all three conditions at the same time.

Now what are your options? Number one talk to someone, don't be shy, just talk to your doctor. Make sure you ask your doctor is there any medication that's affecting me there are some antidepressants that actually a lot of people are on can cause erectile dysfunction. There are a lot of blood pressure medications that can cause erectile dysfunction as well so you have to kind of make sure that your doctor is paying attention to your medication list to make sure these medications are eliminated if possible. And of course you may want to seek counseling if you have a lot of anxiety stress in your life.

Sex may not be your priority anymore, you will say I’m not a 20 year old anymore. But you still have a life you know like you have to make sure that you are not ignoring yourself and you're not ignoring your anxiety and your stress and asking for help is not always a bad option.

Now let's talk about the options what you need to do. To get that fixed get this going buddy now so number one of course everybody knows this. But I’m going to give you a couple tricks here Viagra, Cialis the most common drugs that can help the erectile dysfunction. You can use it as you know over-the-counter stuff if you like.

But typically we use Viagra or Cialis.  Now some people take Viagra, for example anywhere from 20 milligram up to 100 milligrams depending on how much they need. Some people just need 20 milligrams some people will need 100 milligrams and they take it couple hours before the expected sexual intercourse. Now sometimes it works like that and sometimes it doesn't and interestingly sometimes people take the medication every day it could be 20 milligram 40 milligram 60 milligram 50 milligram whatever it comes with. You can use it every day and sometimes that works better and some of my patients actually will take the drug every day and will take a few extra before the expected time as well, which also increases the chances of working.

If you started taking Viagra one way or the other or Cialis, and it didn't work for you. Don't trust the medication and there are other ways you can try to make it work and always make sure that you're informing your doctor. What you're doing with your medication do not do anything based on my saying. Only make sure you get your doctor's consent because your condition may be different than somebody else.

If the pills are not a good option or they're not working, h sometimes people who are on nitrates for example should not be taking together Viagra and nitrates do not raise or certain chest pain medications that may be used, and if you have that condition together

You may be very you may have to be very careful with these drugs now. If these are not an option for you if they're not working, then you can use suppositories or even needles.

There are some suppositories you can insert through the penis or you can actually use an injection that can give you a locally immediate effect and can give you a firm penis. Yes a needle into the penis is not the sexiest idea or the fanciest idea but it is an option it works your third option is vacuum. We call this a penis pump if you wish and it basically sucks the blood into your penis to give you this firm penis it is an option yes it's again not the sexiest option but it is something to consider. It's better than nothing right well the last option is penile implants and I think it is it sounds like a drastic option and yeah it is a drastic option but it is an option I even had some patients who came to me without diabetes asking for implants. I don't do that kind of stuff I’m a hormone doctor. So that guy was just looking for some other purposes but in any case penile implants can be an option if you are having problems and everything has failed or other options may not be good for you. So I hope you guys enjoyed this articles and if you share this video only if you are comfortable with it.


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