Benefits of Acupuncture by Chris Chenoweth
Benefits of Acupuncture
By Chris Chenoweth
What is acupuncture? Acupuncture uses small needles inserted at various points on the body to benefit the improvement of many physical health conditions as well as increasing mental clarity. Because oriental medicine uses a holistic approach, acupuncture is a treatment used to treat the whole body.
Acupuncture is now accepted in the mainstream medical community. Since it has been proven to be effective in treating many medical conditions, it is now used as an alternative or an addition to conventional medicine.
Acupuncture works directly with the body's energy (qi) because practitioners of acupuncture believe that all illnesses are caused by the natural flow of energy through the body becoming weakened or exhausted. This makes the individual more vulnerable to illnesses.
According to the practice of acupuncture, the rebalance of energy (qi) is established by treating specific acupoints on the body related to the symptoms. Effective treatment removes these energy obstructions resulting in better overall health.
Although acupuncture is most widely known for help in controlling pain, it can be used to treat many health conditions and ailments.
+RESPIRATORY DISORDERS (bronchitis, asthma, and sinusitis)
+STRENGTHENS THE IMMUNE SYSTEM (reduces risk for colds, infections, and flu.)
Most people cringe when they think about someone placing needles into their body. However, the needles that people are familiar with are the needles that are used to give shots for vaccination, etc. These needles are painful and inspire a sense of dread for most.
The acupuncturist's needles do not feel like that at all. When a skilled acupuncturist inserts the needles, there is little or no sensation. You may feel warmth or tingling or you may not even be able to tell they are there. Once the first needle is inserted, you will never fear them again.
Because acupuncture eases the flow of a body's energy (qi), the body is able to function in a natural, harmonious way, leading to better health overall. Once you have had an acupuncture treatment, you will be amazed at the results.
About the Author
Chris Chenoweth is the author of the DO-IT-YOURSELF HOME, HEALTH & MONEY GUIDE, 500 pages of household tips, home remedies, diet and nutrition information, health issues and thousands of recipes!
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