Multipurpose Oil - Rosemary Oil by Cindy Boswell


Multipurpose oil - Rosemary oil

By Cindy Boswell

Rosmarinus Officinalis, another name of rosemary which is also used as a cooking herb in the Mediterranean region. In these regions, rosemary leaves and oil forms the part of cooking. Apart from cooking roman also uses rosemary plant in their religious ceremonies.

Rosemary oil is considered as multipurpose oil, which is pale yellow in color and have a strong mint and fresh smell. It is also regarded as one of the most popular oil just for the reason of its various health benefits, such as, it boost up the hair growth, gives a refreshing feeling, gives relief in pain and helps in recovering from various respiratory problems etc. Other than above health problems, it has been proved beneficial in various other problems such as fever, acne, low blood pressure, arthritis, lice, repellant, asthma, coughs, headache etc.

Rosemary oil, strengthen the body and helps in curing liver, heart and brain problems. Thus, the benefits of rosemary oil are as follows:
Rosemary oil is very useful in hair care. It boosts up the hair growth and also makes the roots stronger which further results in lively hairs. It has been proved that rosemary oil is very beneficial in graying and loss of hairs. The person is suggested to take massage of rosemary oil on the scalp to remove dryness and dandruff. Thus, it will be absolutely right to say that it nourishes the hair scalp.
As said rosemary oil carries a strong mint and fresh smell. So it is also used in dealing with mouth problem such as bad breadth etc. It is also used in toothpaste and mouthwashes.
Moisturizing is one of the features of rosemary oil which sooths and tones the skin by removing vagueness and dryness.
Rosemary oil is considered as the most popular oil in aromatherapy. It carries an exotic fragrance and just of this reason, it is also used in room fresher, beauty products and perfumes.
It is also used in refreshing the mind as inhalation of natural rosemary oil provides a sort of enthusiasm of leading a positive life. Its aroma is also very helpful and effective for the people suffering from depression.
It also gives relief in pain either it be muscle pain, arthritis, headache or any other pain.

Thus, it will be right to say that rosemary oil provides total package of maintaining health as it can be used in cooking and also in aromatherapy. However, the person while using rosemary oil must be little cautious as sometimes it can give some allergic reactions. And at last, it should not be overdosed.
About the Author
Cindy Boswell is working with the New Directions UK. She has also been involved in the research work on plants and oils for a long time. To find Aromatherapy, essential oil, essential oils, wholesale, Rosemary oil, wholesalers, wholesale essential oils you need to visit


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