Instant Relief for Mouth Ulcers By John Goh


Instant Relief for Mouth Ulcers

By John Goh

A mouth ulcer is like an open wound, the same as you might get if you cut yourself. As a result, tender nerve endings are exposed. The exposed nerve endings of mouth ulcers are often irritated, causing extreme pain for the person. Mouth ulcers make it difficult to eat, drink, and even talk. The exposed ulcer lies vulnerable to infection by bacteria in our mouths, creating even more pain!

Mouth ulcers often seem start by themselves as a small bubble or blister which then becomes an open and ulcerated pit when the pain really starts. Alternatively they can be started by accidentally biting oneself or having the lips so dry that they crack and the ulcers start to form on the lips.

Mouth ulcers can be caused by virus, bacteria or fungus. They may also result from the body's own immune system attacking the mucosal lining of the mouth. People who suffer from intestinal conditions such as ulcerative colitis or Crohn's disease may also get mouth ulcers.

Coconut oil kills bacteria that cause ulcers, throat infections, gum disease and cavities. Pacific Islanders that take their traditional coconut-based diet had excellent dental health and rarely suffer from mouth ulcers, even though they never brushed their teeth, flossed or use anti-bacterial mouthwash.

Coconut oil can be used to relieve the pain from ulcers instantly. Take a tablespoon of coconut oil and hold it for a minute on the ulcer area in the mouth. The pain goes away and the relief lasts for quite a while. As the medium chain fatty acids (MCFAs) in coconut oil are rapidly absorbed by the body, the healing process is accelerated.

Robbie suffered from mouth ulcers constantly. There were instances when he will be hit by ulcer after ulcer over the period of a month. Commonly, the ulcers enlarged over time and caused great pain. Each ulcer took one to two weeks to heal partially and for the pain to subside. Ever since he took coconut oil daily, his mouth ulcers rarely appear and the rare ulcer is healed quickly in a few days from application of coconut oil on it.

Coconut oil is anti-viral, anti-bacterial and anti-fungal, and can combat virus, bacteria and fungus in the mouth that cause ulcers. The MCFAs in coconut oil enhance the immune system and boost its ability to fight virus, bacteria and fungi. Coconut oil supports a healthy intestinal environment by killing fungi in the intestinal tract.

These are reasons why coconut oil can prevent formation of mouth ulcers and can be used to heal mouth ulcers whenever they appear. Furthermore, application of coconut oil on ulcers is not messy and it is completely edible and natural.

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