Whole Food Vitamin By Steve Johnsen


Whole Food Vitamin

By Steve Johnsen

Scientists created synthetic vitamins that are cheap to make and are said to be identical in their atomic structure when compared to whole vitamins (Vitamins directly from vegetables ). However, when polarized light was placed through these synthetic vitamins, the light acted much differently than when placed through whole vitamins. When polarized light is placed through whole vitamins, the light beam ends to the right due to its molecular rotation. When this same light passes through a synthetic vitamin, the beam split in half. Half of the light will always bend right while the other half always bends left. This proves that we have not created an identical vitamin and this is why synthetic vitamins only give you 50% of biological activity as compared to whole vitamins. In fact, research studies show that synthetic vitamins can be dangerous to your health! Synthetic stripped down processed vitamins are currently being sold in almost every brand name supplement today. If you truly understood the importance of giving your body whole vitamins, along with the other critical nutrients we placed in our vitamin, you would become a client of ours for life!

Taking the synthetic form of vitamin C, for example, can actually thicken the arterial walls of the heart by as much as 2.5 times which can lead to heart disease and can do harm to the body! Ascorbic acid (synthetic vitamin C) is the word that you need to watch out for!

Taking the synthetic form of vitamin A is proven to actually increase the rate of cancer which can do more harm than good to your body! But the whole vitamin A ( from vegetables ) actually does the exact opposite. Whole Vitamin A significantly reduces the rate of cancer! Most Vitamin nutrients on the market today use stripped down synthetic vitamins rather than whole vitamins straight from vegetables and fruits like our vitamin! Why? Synthetic vitamins are much cheaper to produce. We believe that if we spared no expense and use only the best ingredients money could buy, we would soon have millions of clients using our amazing vitamin!

Taking the synthetic form of Vitamin E is proven to actually suck vitamins and minerals right out of the bones which can do more harm than good to the body! Once again, most vitamin supplements today are using all the synthetic vitamins because they are cheap to manufacture. Your body is worth more than a billion dollars and we believe we owe it to you to produce the greatest vitamin in the world, and that's exactly what we did!

Would you like to find out even MORE information about NATURAL vitamins verses synthetically created vitamins?
About the Author
Blog Address: Whole-Food-Vitamin.blogspot.com


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