Relieve Chronic Fatigue Syndrome with Natural Remedy By John Goh


Relieve Chronic Fatigue Syndrome with Natural Remedy

By John Goh

Chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS), once considered to be an imaginary ailment, is now recognized as a bona fide illness. While its cause is still pretty much a mystery, it has become a problem of growing concern. It is estimated that some three million Americans and 90 million people worldwide are affected by it.

Chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS) is characterized by a relatively sudden onset of extreme fatigue, often following an infectious illness. The illness occurs most often in people in their 40s and 50s, but people of all ages can get CFS. One of the symptoms of CFS is severe exhaustion following moderate physical activity. Symptoms that persist for six months or more are a strong indication of CFS.

Many people are affected by CHS without realising it. Read the following case to see if it is familiar to you. Michael noticed his level of energy deceasing as he was approaching his mid-forties. A couple of hours of moderate physical activities like cleaning the yard will leave him exhausted and it took two days for him to recover. He was exhausted at 8 pm every day even though he had a desk job. He found himself going to bed earlier and earlier.

No prescription drugs have been developed specifically for CFS. It appears that traditional and alternative therapies may be best for managing the illness. Coconut oil is used extensively in traditional medicine among Asian and Pacific populations. Pacific Islanders increase the amount of coconut oil in their diet whenever they are sick. It is the natural remedy to combat illness for them.

It is possible that using coconut oil in the diet may help alleviate the symptoms of CFS. Some doctors believe that the key to overcoming CFS is strengthening the immune system. Coconut oil strengthens the immune system by killing the harmful microorganisms in the body. With less harmful organisms taxing the body's energy, the immune system can function better.

By using coconut oil liberally with meals, it may provide a source of relief for those suffering from chronic fatigue, whatever its cause. Coconut oil provides a quick source of energy and stimulates metabolism. Because the medium chain fatty acids in coconut oil are absorbed quickly by the tissues and converted into energy, those suffering from chronic fatigue would gain benefit by having more energy.

Feelings of anger, guilt, anxiety, isolation and abandonment are common in CFS patients. This boost in energy provided by coconut oil not only helps to lift their spirits but also promotes faster healing. When metabolism functions at a higher level, our cells are like energetic workers anxious to complete the repairs in our bodies. Therefore coconut oil helps the body heal and repair itself more quickly.

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