How Sweet It Is: Having Sweets and Diabetes. by Jesus Chirino

 How Sweet It Is: Having Sweets and Diabetes. by Jesus Chirino

Not long ago many believed that for those who suffered from diabetes eating sweets was absolutely out of the question. Many people even thought that consuming high amounts of sugar could even cause diabetes. Today, many diabetics still have concerns when it comes to fulfilling their cravings for sweets, and many of them decide to avoid them completely. Can type 1 or type 2 diabetics consume sugar or sweets safely, or will it have a devastating effect on their blood glucose levels? Let us find out what the latest medical research has revealed.

Research has shown that when a diabetic indulges in eating sweets, blood glucose levels rise a little quicker, but they don't rise anymore than when any other type of carbohydrate is consumed. This reveals that a diabetic can enjoy sweets and sugar in moderation given that they take the needed precautions to maintain in track with a balanced diet and keep their blood sugar levels under control. This is definitely great news for those that have a weakness for the sweet stuff!

Remember, you must be careful. The key to be able to enjoy sweets without major repercussions is to take precaution and to use moderation. You must substitute other carbohydrates in your meal plan for the sweets that you intend to consume. For example, you could substitute a portion of baked potatoes at dinner time for a small piece of cake. Because it is almost impossible to substitute the exact amount of carbs in your diet for those of the sweets you are planning on having, it is always important to have small portions of the sugars to stay on the healthy side.

Keep in mind also that most sweets do not provide you with any nutritional value, so you must make sure that you will still get all the nutrients and vitamins you need from your die, no matter what you substitute. Remember also that sweets are high in calories and fat. If you are trying to loose weight, eating sweets might make your weight loss goals more difficult and time consuming.

A good option are sugar alcohols, a type of reduced calorie sweetener that only provides around half of the calories of regular sugars. Another good option are low calorie sweeteners, they do not count as carbs and have no calories. The substitutes could help you enjoy the sweet taste that you love while helping you stay on track with your weight and your blood sugar levels.

It is important to always follow a healthy diet and regular exercise routine, and when deciding to indulge in sweets, remember to make the needed adjustments in your diet. Always check your blood sugar levels after desert, and keep track of how your body reacts and how it handles what you are eating. Knowing your body well is a great way of staying healthy.

If you have diabetes and you love sweets, the great news is that you do not have to say goodbye to them forever. But remember, moderation is vital for your health. If you follow good eating habits, a healthy diet and monitor your glucose levels regularly, you will be able to live healthy and occasionally enjoy sweets now and for a ling time to come!

For more information on diabetes and a healthy diabetic diet, visit


Is it okay for a diabetic to have sugars and sweets? Many people believe that those that suffer from diabetes must stay away from sweets completely. Find out what recent medical studies have shown about sweets, and how they affect those that have diabetes.
About the Author
Jesus Chirino is webmaster of Your Life with Diabetes, a website dedicated to providing free diabetes information and resources.


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