
Showing posts from June, 2021

Dr. John Poothullil's Concern on Farmed Fish

Hello I am Dr. John, and I have been studying food and nutrient intake for over 30 years.  Half the fish eaten today come from farm in fact 30 percent of the wild fish is over harvested and 60 percent are harvested to full capacity. This means without farmed fish we may not have much fish available for eating.  So let us look at three concerns you may have 1. Nutrient content fish is a good source of proteins essential fatty acids vitamins and minerals the nutrient content of farmed fish is based on type of fish age of fish location season and diet these are factors similar to what influence nutrient content in wild fish. 2. Second concern is consumer safety this is based on antibiotics used contaminants in the food additives and preservatives used during processing these are similar concerns to animals based on land. 3. Fish excrement contaminating the environment and that needs to be carefully monitored but this is not unlike excrement of poultry during poultry farming...

The Best Diet for Patients with Type 2 Diabetes by Dr. John Poothullil

The Best Diet for Patients with Type 2 Diabetes by Dr. John Poothullil  Food intake is key in the process of controlling type 2 diabetes or even reversing it. But you are probably concerned that having diabetes means not eating foods that you like. The good news is that you can still enjoy and eat good and tasty food you just need to change the way you are used to doing it.  Imagine that you are driving and you see a red light what you automatically do is to stop. You don't think about the meaning of that red light. You just stop when you see it. Similarly you have been eating a certain way for years and you don't stop to analyze, if the food you are eating is good or not for your body you just eat it. The key to eating with diabetes is eating a variety of healthy foods from all the food groups in the right amounts for your body. So what should you eat the food groups that you should include in your diet are vegetables that includes broccoli, carrots, greens, bell peppers and ...