The Battle for Enzymes: Vital Organs verses the Digestive System By Steve Johnsen


The Battle for Enzymes: Vital Organs verses the Diegestive System

By Steve Johnsen

Enzymes, which serve as the body's labor force to perform every single function for our daily activities, are required to keep us alive. They are responsible for all of the functions of every organ system in the body. At the same time, they are most important in supporting the body's defenses and immune system to protect us from harmful forces and specific dangers to our health.

Vegetable Enzymes are critical in supporting the body in digesting all the food we eat. Enzymes, which serve as the body's labor force to perform every single function for our daily activities, are required to keep us alive. They are responsible for all of the functions of every organ system in the body. At the same time, they are most important in supporting the body's defenses and immune system to protect us from harmful forces and specific dangers to our health. There are three classes of enzymes: metabolic enzymes, which run every process in the body; digestive enzymes, which help digest or foods; and food enzymes from raw foods, which start food digestion. All of our organs and tissues are run by metabolic enzymes. Since good health depends on all of the metabolic enzymes doing an excellent job, we must be sure that nothing interferes with the body making enough of them. A shortage could cause serious trouble.

The length of life is inversely proportional to the rate of exhaustion of the enzyme potential of an organism. The increased use of food enzymes promotes a decreased rate of exhaustion of the enzyme potential. (The Enzyme Nutrition Axiom - Dr. Edward Howell)

Enzymes are minute protein molecules that are found naturally in foods we eat. These protein molecules serve a vital purpose. They are catalysts that make possible the chemical reactions that digest our food and break it down to useable, absorbable nutrients. Enzymes are the life force that is found in foods and then transferred to our bodies to keep every system functioning optimally.

Problems arise because most of the foods we eat are enzyme-deficient. Enzymes are destroyed at temperatures of 118�F and above. That means that almost any kind of food preparation method destroys enzymes. Anytime you cook, microwave, fry, bake, grill or otherwise process your foods, you subject yourself to the dangerous consequences of eating enzyme-deficient foods. How bad is that really, and just what happens when you eat foods that are devoid of enzymes?

Cooked and processed foods are so hard on the body that they actually bring on a condition called digestive leucocytosis. The body considers cooked food to be a foreign substance, an unwanted invader and eating cooked food causes the white blood cell count to rise just as it does when the body is sick or has ingested poison!

Further, if enzymes are not present in the food you eat, not only is the body overtaxed, but also food is often only partially digested. This causes additional problems, including allergies, lethargy and deadly plaque build-up in the blood vessels. All the while that we are inordinately using up our digestive enzymes by eating enzyme-deficient foods, the body is trying to compensate in yet another way-by next pulling from its supply of metabolic enzymes. These enzymes can be called upon to facilitate digestion, but their primary purpose is to run other processes of the body. Plainly, it is not a good thing to be using enzymes to accomplish digestion when they are supposed to be regulating the heart, lungs, or kidneys instead. However, that is exactly what happens. The body places a priority on digestion and goes to great lengths to do whatever is necessary to make sure foods are properly broken down and assimilated.

The need for restoring the body's enzyme supply is unquestionable. Taking supplemental enzymes like those found in The Greatest Vitamin in the World preserves the body's own vital enzyme stores. Many people who take The Greatest Vitamin in the World notice they aren't lethargic or sleepy after a meal, the discomfort of indigestion is gone and for many-food allergies disappear. Enzyme supplementation has been shown to alleviate mild, and even severe or chronic, digestive disorders. Many people-who may not have noticeable digestive problems but who understand the benefits of enzymes-say they take enzyme supplements as a way to ward off the aging process, boost the immune system and protect themselves from the incredible toll cooked and processed foods can place on the body.

Would you like to find out even MORE information about Enzymes and how they aid proper health and nutrition?

Would you like to find out even MORE information about NATURAL vitamins verses synthetically created vitamins?
About the Author
blog address: Enzymes and your Health
web site: Enzymes
I wanted to help others find a way to improve their overall health. Many of us in today's hectic schedules do not eat as we should. Now you can benefit from these vitamins and improve your overall health and have more energy.


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