Soy in Infant Diets - The Worst Case Scenario By Chester Zordik


Soy in Infant Diets - The Worst Case Scenario

By Chester Zordik

Soy has become popular on health and nutrition magazines as a cure-all for women's health, cancer prevention, and other problems. There are so many people who are consuming soy because they want to become healthy. But there are so many misconceptions that surround us. One of these is the belief that soy is healthy food. Well, the fact is, soy advertisements were just a matter of business and marketing rather than health stuff.

In Asian countries like Japan and China, soy is very popular. It also became popular in the U.S. There are many researches about the dangers of soy in the U.S. but why Asian countries still like soy?
On October 26, 1999, the FDA authorized the use of a health claim for soy protein. The regulations specify that 25 grams of soy proteins a day may reduce the risk of heart disease. The justification for this regulation is that Asians consume about 25 grams of soy proteins per day and they also have low rates of heart disease. The amount recommended by the FDA provides about 75 mg or more of isoflavones. A 1996 study found that consumption of isoflavones in Japan was considerably less, averaging about 10 mg per day. These are a class of organic compounds, which act as phytoestrogens in mammals and are also known as strong antioxidants. Isoflavones increase the incidence of epithelial hyperplasia; they can also cause goiter and hyperthyroidism. Phytoestrogens may actually promote cancer.
Soy in Infant Diets

The most serious problem with soy may be its use in infant formulas. Parents happen to use soy formula because of the belief that it is healthier than infant formula based on cow's milk. And because of the fact that there are so many articles and advertisements written on health magazines saying that soy is universal health stuff, people were driven to try using soy.
Research discovered that babies who had received soy formula have a high risk to hypothyroidism. In addition, the anti-thyroid components in soy were the isoflavones that the industry promotes as a universal remedy for osteoporosis, heart disease and problems associated with menopause. Low thyroid function can contribute to osteoporosis, heart disease and problems associated with menopause.
Soy formula fed to premature babies caused an increase in digestive enzymes compared to milk-fed babies, indicating low digestibility of soy formula. Another study found that twice as many soy-fed children developed diabetes as those in a control group that was breast fed or received milk-based formula.
FDA's Soy Experts Speak Out Against Soy

"there is abundant evidence that some of the isoflavones found in soy, including genistein and equol, a metabolize of daidzen, demonstrate toxicity in estrogen sensitive tissues and in the thyroid. This is true for a number of species, including humans.

Additionally, isoflavones are inhibitors of the thyroid peroxidase which makes T3 and T4. Inhibition can be expected to generate thyroid abnormalities, including goiter and autoimmune thyroiditis. There exists a significant body of animal data that demonstrates goitrogenic and even carcinogenic effects of soy products. Moreover, there are significant reports of goitrogenic effects from soy consumption in human infants and adults."

Protest from researchers Daniel Doerge and Daniel Sheehan, two of the Food and Drug Administration's (FDA) key experts on soy, to the FDA, protesting the health claims approved by the FDA on soy products.
While many claims have been made about the health benefits of these estrogen-like compounds, animal studies indicate that they are powerful endocrine disrupters that alter growth patterns and cause sterility. Toxicologists estimate that an infant exclusively fed soy formula receives the estrogenic equivalent of at least five birth control pills per day.
Concerns about the dangers of soy have prompted consumer groups in some countries like Canada to call for a ban on the sale of soy infant formula. They recommended the milk-based formula because it contains better protein, does not promote infant with anti-nutrients and female hormones. Still, breast feeding is best if the mother has consumed a healthy diet throughout her pregnancy and continues to do while nursing her baby. Mothers who are unable to do breast feeding can prepare formula based on whole milk.
About the Author
Chester Zordik is an advocate of natural health remedy and natural health diet. Read more information about Infant Formula and Why Soy Can Damage your Health.


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