Get the Lead Out By Jeannine Virtue


Get the Lead Out

By Jeannine Virtue

Solid evidence links lead exposure to hyperactivity, learning disabilities, Attention Deficit Disorder and failure to graduate from high school. Lead poisoning is also linked to a tendency toward violence and other emotional and behavioral problems.

With over 25 percent of children containing blood lead levels high enough to lower IQ, cause learning disabilities, Attention Deficit Disorder, hyperactivity and/or disruptive behavior, lead poisoning remains a top environmental health hazard for children in the United States.

Consider these lead exposure studies and then seriously consider oral chelation therapy to detoxify the body.

A 2003 study (University of Pittsburgh) found that delinquent children were four times more likely to have elevated concentrations of lead in their bones. For this study, researchers tested the lead bone concentrations of high school students without behavioral problems against teens convicted in Juvenile Court.

University of Pittsburgh researchers also found that children with elevated lead levels were seven times more likely to drop out of high school and six times more likely to have a reading disability. Boys with elevated lead levels were more likely to engage in vandalism, arson, bullying, shoplifting, and other delinquent behaviors.

A 2006 study (Center for Children's Health and the Environment) found that children with blood lead levels of just 2 micrograms per deciliter or more were four times more likely to have ADHD than children with levels below 0.8 microgram per deciliter. The government's "acceptable" blood lead level is 10 micrograms per deciliter - five times the amount shown to produce ADHD symptoms.

Children are especially susceptible to lead and other heavy metal exposure. Even small amounts of lead, mercury and other heavy metals can pose a threat to a child's developing brain.

The CDC estimates that 2.2 percent of U.S. children have lead blood levels high enough to cause learning disabilities, damage their developing brains, cause seizures and even death. According to the EPA, about 1.7 million children are affected by lead from water pipes, old paint, soil, and other sources.

Discuss chelation therapy with your health care professional if your child has learning or behavioral issues or has been diagnosed with Attention Deficit Disorder or autism. Chelation therapy removes lead, heavy metals and other toxins and can greatly improve or entirely eliminate symptoms.

EDTA chelation therapy is the most commonly used detoxification treatment for people with lead poisoning and other toxicities. EDTA (ethylene diamine tetra-acetic acid) attaching itself to heavy metals and carries the metals from the body. EDTA is safe and FDA-approved for treating lead poisoning.
About the Author
Freelance journalist Jeannine Virtue moderates the Attention Deficit Disorder Help Center, a web site dedicated to natural alternatives for ADHD, depression and stress. Go to for more information about oral chelation and heavy metal detoxification.


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