The Use of Green Tea in Home Remedies By Colin Holcomb


The Use of Green Tea in Home Remedies

By Colin Holcomb

There are a plethora of natural home remedies from brown sugar to eliminate heartburn to corn syrup to control nausea that can be used by those who want alternatives to over the counter medications. More than a tasty, hot beverage, green tea is an important part of home remedies from skin and teeth care to general preventative measures and everything in between. For specific examples to ways to use green tea to get excellent benefits read below.

Green Tea and Skin Care

Positive skin effects in the area of skin care have been found with green tea. Acne and eczema are two specific areas. Green tea is a great, cheap alternative to the expensive toners and astringents used for acne. Green tea is used to make a concoction with other ingredients that can be applied to clean skin with a cotton ball. Some notice a decrease in the presence of acne by simply drinking the tea, even though you should be careful with the increase of the caffeine to your diet since this is linked to an increase in acne breakouts. Olive oil can also be added to green tea to make a treatment for eczema.

Homemade Mouthwash

Green tea can also be used as part of a homemade mouthwash in addition to skin care. You will have to avoid adding sugar and honey. The presence of fluoride in this light drink helps keep your teeth healthy by preventing tooth decay and strengthening your teeth and gums. The most basic recipe is adding the brewed tea to spring water. Although it can be added to other ingredients if you want to create flavors for your homemade mouthwash.

Preventative Medicine

Your overall health and well-being is thought to be helped by a daily intake of green tea. Free radical in our body can cause damage to cells and the tea is full of antioxidants that bind free radicals to our bodies. Cancer prevention has been linked to green tea through several studies. Green tea is also thought to promote an increase in metabolism as an essential benefit that helps burn fat and lowers cholesterol in the body. Green tea may also play a part in reducing the intensity of rheumatoid arthritis because of the antioxidants present in the tea. The benefits of green tea are a great reason to drink it whether it is to drink it by and open fire or to get rid of unwanted acne breakouts.
About the Author
Colin Holcomb is writer of Green Tea Information - , He also writes on green tea diet - and green tea home remedies -


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