
Showing posts from October, 2020

Yoga Helps A Great Deal In Lowering Cholesterol By Javier Fuller

  Yoga Helps A Great Deal In Lowering Cholesterol By Javier Fuller Are you worried for having some extra cholesterol in your blood? Well, many people are fighting hard battle against the increased cholesterol levels. For, they are much vulnerable to heart diseases much like the heart patients. But I have got a very easy and natural remedy to control your high cholesterol. Some time back, I had a cholesterol level above the normal range and I used this alternative technique to reduce my extra cholesterols. Well, the technique being discussed here is none other the age old technique of keeping fit. That is YOGA. Yes, Yoga helped me a great deal in reducing my high cholesterol levels. Now I am perfectly fit and rocking. So, if you have also found high cholesterol in your blood don't get stressed as stress will only harm you further. The tensed brain and heart needs more blood so the heartbeat and blood circulation will increase and will create more problems to your arteries. Yoga...

Do You Have an Acid Reflux Symptom? By Rudy Silva

  Do You Have an Acid Reflux Symptom? By Rudy Silva Acid reflux and heartburn are words used to express the same symptom - a burning sensation in your chest by your heart or right up the chest middle. This acid reflux symptom can also be experience much higher along the esophagus or throat. Over time, stomach acid can continue to dissolve esophagus tissue and this can lead to a bleeding ulcer with severe pain. Another acid reflux symptom can be bad breath or consistent dry coughing. Still, when esophageal tissue is eaten away, scar tissue can form which can narrow the esophagus making it difficult to swallow. Poor eating habits Heartburn or acid reflux doesn't happen when you eat a healthy diet. And when I say a healthy diet, I don't mean a diet that you need to deprive yourself of the food you like. Most of us developed our eating habits from our parents. As we grew, we watched how they ate, when they ate, and what they ate. And we did the same thing. Most people that I know ...

Hemorrhoids Treatment Using Bioflavonoids By Rudy Silva

  Hemorrhoids Treatment Using Bioflavonoids By Rudy Silva If you have hemorrhoids then you need to be taking a good supplement of bioflavonoids. Bioflavonoids have been found to be most effective in helping to relieve and eliminate the symptoms of hemorrhoids. They are useful in reducing enlarged veins in the rectum and in the legs (varicose veins.) Use them everyday as a hemorrhoids treatment. There are many foods that contain rutin, so eat the foods, but to get a high dose use a supplement. The bioflavonoids have been used in clinical studies and have been shown to be a positive hemorrhoid treatment. Rutin Rutin is bioflavonoids, which is effective in reducing and treating hemorrhoids. It does this by strengthening and improving the permeability of the blood vessels and capillaries. Blood vessels that have a high efficiency of allowing nutrients and wastes to move in and out of their walls easily permeability allow the area involved to recover from illness quicker. Here are ...

Psoriasis Treatment Using Natural Remedies By Rudy Silva

  Psoriasis Treatment Using Natural Remedies By Rudy Silva If you have Psoriasis or any other skin problem, I know you are always looking for a solution. With psoriasis, the skin breaks out in itchy rashes, unsightly blemishes, and white flakes. In psoriasis, the skin cells multiply quickly causing rashes to appear quickly. Normal skin renews itself in 30 days, but in psoriasis, skin cells move from the innermost layer of skin to the skin surface in 3 days, causing red and itchy areas. In addition, as cells accumulate on the surface they die, turning white and flaky. Finding a psoriasis treatment that cures is not easy since there doesn't appear to be one. Most doctors or dermatologists do not know what causes psoriasis and consider it incurable. But there are many different natural remedies that can give some relief to psoriasis but at far as a natural psoriasis treatment that is a cure, there is none. Here is a list of psoriasis treatments that you may want to try. Give your...

Is A Natural Allergy Treatment Just Wishful Thinking? By Dwain Berlin

  Is A Natural Allergy Treatment Just Wishful Thinking? By Dwain Berlin There is a growing trend towards natural allergy treatment for many people because of concerns over side effects from prescriptions. It seems that allergies are affecting a growing number of people each year similar to the growth rate of serious diseases like cancer, stroke and heart disease. Luckily there is an effective allergy treatment found in a natural botanical. This botanical reaches into numerous areas of your body and targets whatever needs the most attention, while correcting allergies as well. There are hundreds of years of folk lore and decades of scientific research behind it, and more focused research is being done every year. Some studies are focusing on one specific nutrient called the Xanthone. There are about 200 xanthones in nature, most of which are found in wood, and over 40 found in a fruit called Mangosteen. (not related to Mango) Get Tested For Allergies By getting an allergy test ...

The Use of Green Tea in Home Remedies By Colin Holcomb

  The Use of Green Tea in Home Remedies By Colin Holcomb There are a plethora of natural home remedies from brown sugar to eliminate heartburn to corn syrup to control nausea that can be used by those who want alternatives to over the counter medications. More than a tasty, hot beverage, green tea is an important part of home remedies from skin and teeth care to general preventative measures and everything in between. For specific examples to ways to use green tea to get excellent benefits read below. Green Tea and Skin Care Positive skin effects in the area of skin care have been found with green tea. Acne and eczema are two specific areas. Green tea is a great, cheap alternative to the expensive toners and astringents used for acne. Green tea is used to make a concoction with other ingredients that can be applied to clean skin with a cotton ball. Some notice a decrease in the presence of acne by simply drinking the tea, even though you should be careful with the increase of ...

The Acid Reflux Blues An Easy Antidote! By Charles Stewart Richey

  The Acid Reflux Blues An Easy Antidote! By Charles Stewart Richey The real antidote to acid reflux, gerd, heartburn and indigestion has to do with what we eat, how we eat, where we eat and when we eat. This may sound a little too simple, but it is not. Everyone is different; therefore people have to approach eating in different ways. There are many foods and beverages which trigger heartburn. Not all of these affect everyone in the same manner. For instance, I have difficulty digesting raw bell peppers, but I know others who cannot eat raw tomatoes, but have no trouble with raw bell peppers. Ironically, I can eat fresh raw tomatoes all day long and not have gerd. So anyone who makes blanket statements regarding this subject has got it all wrong. Through trial and error, we all discover what we can and cannot digest with ease. There are, however, some foods that cause problems for anyone who is susceptible to acid reflux. Any food or drink that causes the LES (lower esophagea...

What is Magnetic Water (Part 1) By Debbie Shimadry

  What is Magnetic Water (Part 1) By Debbie Shimadry Magnetic water is an ancient way of relieving inflammation within the body. Find out how you can do so effectively by reading this three parts report. All water coming out of our taps has a source from a river or a reservoir, whether man made or natural. All water that comes from a natural source has at some point in the river, stream or spring, if you are using spring water, actually come into contact with the earth and the earth's core. It is important to know that the earth is actually a large magnet. Gravity is magnetism. We are standing here or sitting here and not flying about in the air because of gravity and the magnetic field that is surrounding the earth. The earth's core is magnetic and holds a magnetic charge. When water is underground in the earth, in natural wells for example, it actually absorbs magnetic charge from the earth's core. Similarly in reservoirs and dams, the same process takes place. Hence in i...

Niacin Claims To Lower Cholesterol By Javier Fuller

  Niacin Claims To Lower Cholesterol By Javier Fuller Recollection of the past is sweet, when your present state of health is sound. But when it is not sound, you rue the past. Bad Cholesterol may be the reason to ruin your present today. It is a frustrating time for you, and you are at your wit's end. Your cholesterol and triglyceride levels don't indicate any change despite your constant efforts. You followed your physician’s advice with full heart but all in vain. But here is some encouraging news for you. One B vitamin supplement Niacin has been found to be effective in the cholesterol-lowering program. It increases HDL, the good cholesterol and at the same time, lowers LDL, the bad cholesterol and triglycerides. But Niacin is not the fixed formula as such. Its effectiveness varies from patient to patient. The modus operandi of Niacin is not yet known. Researchers are busy working it out. It may significantly prove beneficial in the case of one patient whereas in the case ...

Natural Supplement For Super-Immunity From Sinusitis By Farrell Seah

  Natural Supplement For Super-Immunity From Sinusitis By Farrell Seah As a grown-up, you're most likely to catch a cold if you have kids or grandkids under the age of 5. Young children are magnets for colds because their immune systems haven't fully matured and because they haven't been sick often enough to build their defences against the 200 known cold-causing viruses. They pass their colds to their parents and grandparents, who can't resist snuggling up to under-the-weather tots. Cold viruses spread in two ways: through the air and by direct contact. To reduce your odds of playing host to a virus floating on the breeze, increase the ventilation in your home. You can also reduce your susceptibility to cold viruses by keeping your stress levels in check. Emotional stress depresses your immune system, so a virus can easily sneak in and infect you. By relieving stress, you help reinforce your body's immune defences. Colds Symptoms include: Nasal congestion; facial p...