Complementary and Alternative medicine by Zone Net

 Complementary and Alternative medicine by Zone Net

CAM (complementary and alternative medicine) therapies are organized into 5 distinct categories or domains. Many of these domains have certain sub-domains but we will only give you a brief overview of the primary CAM domains.

Alternative Medical Systems are built on totally different systems of theory with regard to the body and have evolved in a seperate direction from the conventional medical approach. 2 examples of alternative medical systems
developed in Western cultures are homeopathic as well as naturopathic medicine.
Mind-Body Interventions uses a specific blend of techniques supposed to improve the mind's capability of affecting the body's condition, including meditation, yoga, prayer, hypnosis and therapies that use creative outlets such as art, music, poetry and dance. Journal writing could fit into this category.

Biologically Based Therapies like natural and biologically based interventions, practices and products primarily composed of herbs, nutrients such as antioxidants and vitamins also count in this regard. Some combine with modern medicine's use of dietary supplements such as antioxidants, which started out as CAM. Anything from the use of Tea Tree Oil to the Paleolithic diet fall under this CAM category.

Manipulative and Body-Based Methods are based on manipulating at least one part of the body. This includes chiropractic manipulation, reflexology, colonics and massage therapy, among others.

Energy Therapies uses both subtle as well as less than subtle manipulations of the energy field that are supposed to surround and inject themselves into the human body. Examples include biofield therapies like Reiki, Qigong, natural healing and bioelectromagnetic-based therapies which involves the use of electromagnetic fields.
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