Is a Mediterranean Diet Better For Me? by Dr. John Poothullil


Is a Mediterranean Diet Better For Me?


It all depends on how much ultimately the quantity you consume.


The total amount of energy and the ratio of carbohydrate to it.


A Mediterranean diet may have more fish and olive and fruits and vegetables that's fine. Each individual is different, we can take studies and show okay 80 percent of them got the benefit as an individual.


Do you belong to the 20% or the 80 percent? How do you know? So that is the problem with going by studies.


The certain studies on Mediterranean Diet says that. But where do you belong?


Only your brain knows what your body needs at any given time. When you sit down to eat not a dietitian not a nutritionist not your doctor not your wife nobody knows what your body needs.


I had one husband and wife. She happened to be my secretary and she wanted her husband to lose weight and I told them and they came back a month later.


She said, he's not losing any weight? I provide him with the food you told.


I asked how do you do that?


She replied that on the day she is hungry she gives him more. On the day she's not hungry she gives less.


So how does she know how much he should eat.?


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