Insulin & Medications that Release Insulin in the Body are Troublemakers by Dr. John Poothullil

 Insulin & Medications that Release Insulin in the Body are Troublemakers

In India, right now, we have 61 million people with type 2 diabetes 30% of the newly diagnosed type 2 diabetics are between the ages 36 and 40.

And this is common, because everywhere in the world, the same thing is happening. The incidence of type 2 diabetes is increasing and the person affected is getting younger and younger. Why according to the experts, the insulin resistance is the cause of type II diabetes? 

We all know that insulin resistance is not a contagious disease. How can it come up all over the world unless human beings are evolving to become resistant? And that is in my opinion. Why do I say that? I say that because the concept of insulin resistance itself has never been validated. The scientific concept can be validated either through logic or mechanism preferably both and then it is supported by measurement.

Let us look at the logic, there are 200 different types of cell in the body but only 3 types are involved in the insulin resistance. Remaining types of cells about 197 no resistance, just only 3. 

So what I'm saying is based on logic and mechanism that insulin resistance theory has never been validated. Then we can ask the question, if it has never been validated, how did it come?

Insulin is a hormone that's released by the pancreas when your blood sugar goes up. After every meal, insulin accompanies glucose to every cell. Insulin does not get inside a cell so all insulin can do is to ring the bell on the cell wall to let the cell know glucose is available outside. You see glucose cannot do that there is no receptor on the cell wall for glucose but there is one for insulin.

In type 1 diabetes, pancreas does not produce insulin. Sugar cannot get into the organs and the organs fail to function and this happens most of the time in early age, younger age and the patients died. They used to die until insulin was discovered and when insulin was injected into a child with type 1 diabetes it was a miracle they survived their lifespan became almost normal. The endocrinologist became the experts in high blood sugar because insulin save lives of thousands of type 1 diabetic patients. 

So when adults started turning up with high blood sugar, naturally they thought this is a problem with insulin this is the same type 1, but happening in others. They injected them with insulin and sure enough the blood sugar went down and everybody was happy so high blood sugar with a type whether adult or children all treated by endocrinologist. 

Then came the finding that adults when they have high blood sugar, they also have normal or even higher levels of insulin in their body. At the same time now that created a problem the endocrinologist can say well this is not a hormonal disease or they can have an explanation. So the easiest way out was insulin is there but the cells are not responding they are resisting the message from insulin and the insulin resistance was born. It was not based on evidence 

Type 2 diabetes supposed to be a progressive disease. Why is it progressive? 

Not because more cells are becoming resistant. 

Not because the cells are becoming resistant to more hormones 

But .. .  

Because the complications are getting worse is it possible it is progressive. . . 

Because the treatment is wrong. . . 

In any disease, if the treatment is not correct it's going to get worse. 

When I talk to with one person a very knowledgeable professor, he said there are three thousand articles based on insulin resistance. How can you say it is wrong? 

Another person said I don't need proof now I know people went to the moon I don't have to go there and see it.  I trust the person, so if an ecologist say there is insulin resistance there is insulin resistance.

Another person said John your theory is too simple. Type 2 diabetes is much more complicated than this. So what is a simple theory that I am going to propose? 

My simple answer is grains. Why during the last 50 years the overall production of grains in the world has gone up from point of millions of metric tons to 2.8 billion metric tons. More importantly the energy consumption and the percentage of energy consumed from grain based product have gone up in every country world. Type 2 diabetes is increasing it used to be below 30 percent now it is 50 percent in the United States and 70% in developing countries such as India grain is what you are consuming most in terms of energy intake during each meal or every day now.

Let me see whether I can give you some mechanisms that makes sense. Each kernel of grain is made composed of thousands of molecules of complex carbohydrate and each complex carbohydrate can have up to 200,000 molecules of glucose. 

Again each molecule of complex carbohydrate can have up to 200,000 molecules of glucose so when you eat anything with starch or grain flour you are literally eating pure glucose whether it is from rice, grain or multi grain makes no difference, The body can hold down to 120 grams of glucose as glycogen in the liver to be released back into the blood when the blood sugar goes down everything else has to be converted to fatty acid and fat for long-term storage.

When the fat cells are full, the fatty acids stay in the blood. Each cell is like a hybrid car. They can either use glucose or fatty acid to produce energy. If fatty acids are available muscles will naturally switch to fatty acids leaving glucose in the blood. 

When you have not eaten all day, you are fasting or you are ill, your muscles are still working. Why? Because they are using fatty acid that's a normal metabolic process. What is happening here is that normal metabolic process has never been switched off because there is so much fatty acids in the system. The glucose kept accumulating and you are tested and you are a diabetic. 

So the problem is not insulin, the problem is what is your fat storage capacity. The more you eat, the more carbohydrates from grains converted to fatty acids. 

Young people in India can afford more and more of what they eat is from grains. The same thing is happening in China in United States. Everywhere in the world the same thing is happening because over the last 50 years grain production as I said has gone. 

What proof do I have, one proof I can offer is about the Native Americans. When they were brought to the reservations, type 2 diabetes was hardly known. They didn't have it but within two generations there were high incidence of type 2 diabetes.

Pima Indians have 50% of adults with type 2 diabetes and the others tribes are not much different because they have 30%. Why in the wild they moved from food source to food source they never cultivated grains. They did not eat any cultivated grains in 1970 a researcher in Australia asked 10 Aborigines with type 2 diabetes. 

Can they go back to the wild and live like their ancestors. Within eight weeks their diabetes disappeared. They didn't have to take any more diabetic medications. Why? Same thing. There were no cultivated grains in the wild.

So now you have two options the first or one option is we can keep on you know if you are a type 1 diabetic yes you have to take insulin. There is no choice if you are a type 2 diabetic you can take insulin keep your blood sugar down but let me just point out some concerns that I have.

Why I call insulin a troublemaker? One it makes you hungry most time if you are a type-2 diabetic you are asked to lose weight and you're injecting something that makes you hungry. To me it is not treatment, it is punishment if you have an infection and if you become assistant to an antibiotic, will the doctor give you the same antibiotic? 

No if you have cancer and if you become resistant to the chemo, will the doctor give you the same chemo? No 

But you have type 2 diabetes, you are insulin resistant. What does the doctor give you insulin? Yes you keep the sugar down after a while the sugar goes up what does the doctor give you 

Will he change it no he will give you more what's the logic. If anybody can understand the logic please tell me now.

Let us say you kept the sugar down here see below 7. Des that mean he can avoid complications of type 2 diabetes. We can still go blind you can still have a heart attack, you can still lose your kidneys, your toes your legs. 

So somebody please tell me what is the reason to prescribe insulin to a type 2 diabetic. I'm still trying to figure out the answer even more ominous is the point regarding the link between insulin and cancer.

You see insulin promotes growth of cells and all cells in the body including cancer cells so if you happen to have cancer cells in your body at the time you take insulin. You are actually promoting growth of cancer and that will be the next epidemic the world will be facing in. 

India more and more people are using insulin earlier and earlier because the other medications are expensive than insulin. People feel they are in control they can measure it they can inject it they can measure the blood sugar that's all possible. 

But my point is whether it is metformin or whether it is glitazones, whether it is insulin how does it work? Did it go out of your body? No . . . 

So you are hiding it from the blood and you feel good about it. How is that going to help you? 

Where did that sugar come from? To begin with if you don't put it in your mouth it cannot be in your blood do you want to put it in your mouth and take a medication to drive it out of blood. You think that what you are doing essentially. If you don't put it in the mouth why do you need the medication?

S that is what I am suggesting.  I thank you all for coming and listening to my talk and I would like to summarize three points that I hope you will take home.

1. First is insulin resistance. The concept of it has never been validated through logic mechanism or measurement.

2. Second taking insulin injections will control your blood sugar but you still can have complications associated with type 2 diabetes and more importantly as I mentioned earlier cancer.

3. Third if you are serious about controlling your blood sugar and reversing type 2 diabetes I suggest that you start by avoiding grain and/or grain flour products from your diet.


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