The Only Oil for Diabetics? by John Goh

 The Only Oil for Diabetics? by John Goh

In this article, we learn about the coconut oil health benefit to diabetics. One of the many plagues of modern society is diabetes. The incidence has risen from almost nothing a century ago to a level of major concern today. It is now one of the biggest killers in the western world. Diabetes not only can cause death but can lead to kidney disease, heart disease, high blood pressure, stroke, cataracts, nerve damage, hearing loss, and blindness. It is estimated that 45 percent of the population is at risk of developing diabetes.

Diabetes is all about sugar - the sugar in our bodies known as blood sugar or blood glucose. Every cell in our bodies must have a constant source of glucose in order to fuel metabolism. Our cells use glucose to power processes such as growth and repair. When we eat a meal the digestive system converts much of our food into glucose which is released into the bloodstream. The hormone insulin, which is secreted by the pancreas gland, moves glucose from the blood and funnels it into the cells so it can be used as fuel. If the cells are unable to get adequate amounts of glucose they can literally starve to death. As they do, tissues and organs begin to degenerate. This is what happens in diabetes.

A diet high in refined polyunsaturated vegetable oils promotes diabetes. A diet low in such oils helps to alleviate symptoms. Because fats also promote weight gain, it's best to avoid them as much as possible.

However, research shows that there is one fat that diabetics can eat without fear. That fat is coconut oil. Not only does it not contribute to diabetes, but it helps regulate blood sugar, thus lessening the effects of the disease. The Nauru people consumed large amounts of coconut oil for generations without ever encountering diabetes, but when they abandoned it for other foods and oils the results were disastrous. Therefore, one coconut oil health benefit is that it prevents diabetes.

If you are a diabetic or borderline diabetic, consumption of most fats should be avoided. Coconut oil, on the other hand, is different. Because it helps stabilise blood glucose levels and aids in shedding excess body weight, it is probably the only oil a diabetic should eat. That is the coconut oil health benefit for diabetics.

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About the Author
John Goh enjoys writing about virgin coconut oil and sharing about the benefits of this natural product


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