Making The Child With Juvenile Diabetes Eat The Right Kind Of Food by Javier Fuller

 Making The Child With Juvenile Diabetes Eat The Right Kind Of Food by Javier Fuller

The children used to waste lots of water from the Community Well. It was a problem for the old man, who had the responsibility of looking after the well. He knew that physical punishment is not the solution for this problem. He solved the issue with a song:

“Children, children listen to me,
Waste no water, waster no water,
There is a ghost near this well,
If you spill the water, it will drag you to hell!”

The children stopped spilling water.

Children are very difficult to deal with in the matter of their food habits. They can be changed with love and understanding. Never, by hard and fast rules!

When a child comes to know that s/he has diabetes, it could be the shock of their life. Give them the proper brief and counseling. Develop a sense of confidence in your child and tell them that there are many delicious recipes that s/he can eat even with diabetes. You can indeed inspire the child to learn the secrets behind the making of these wonder recipes.

These recipes will help the curing of the diabetes! Your child will love the freedom that you are willing to give them in using the kitchen. But before that, give your child proper training in using the kitchen appliances.

To begin with, the kid can start with salads. S/he can learn to cut it, arrange it, put lemon juice on it. Some other items they can try at the initial stages are: Bruschetta Turnovers, Dude Ranch Dip, Mushroom Pizza, Bread Snacks, Stuffed Mushroom Caps and the likes.

As you have given your child the kitchen-freedom, it does not mean that you will shut your eyes and enjoy it. Encourage the child to experiment with the new food items, but in tune with the treatment of the diabetes.

In the meantime, do not hesitate to tender piece-meal advice and pep-talks. Tell them: How its soda drinking was wrong, in place of fresh milk. How juice is good for their health, than the colas that contributed to the factor of diabetes. The sure way to deal with the extra weight is that he has to get up early and start the day with the glass of lukewarm water with honey and lime juice. How Indian gooseberry is good for calcium in bones. How cold drinks and cold coffee, has large amounts of caffeine, which is the root cause several dangerous diseases?

Understand the psychology of the child in its proper perspective and let its learning process be continuous and educative from the point of view of diet.

And lastly, the fact you should tell the child about diabetes. The main cause of diabetes is the impaired metabolism. After proper digestion of the food that we consume, glucose travels to the bloodstream, to be available as energy for the cells for growth and proper maintenance of the body, in its day to day functions. So, the recipes of the kids with juvenile diabetes need to conform to this basic objective.

About the Author
Many Diabities articles are available at Diabities website &


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