Get Moving To Get Rid Of Diabetes by Cathrine

 Get Moving To Get Rid Of Diabetes by Cathrine

Diabetes is a medical condition that occurs when the body is not able to use glucose as fuel for energy.
This happens when the pancreas is not producing any insulin or the available insulin is not doing its job properly. As a result, the cells are starved of sugar while the sugar density in the blood rises. The high-sugar content in the blood is harmful as it can damage organs and raise the risk of heart attack.

Types of diabetes-

There are two types of diabetes – Type 1 and Type 2. Type 1 is more prevalent in young children, but adults can get it too. In this case, the body is not able to produce insulin at all. The immune system, by mistake, attacks the cells that make and release insulin. As these cells die, high sugar levels collect in the blood and it may cause acids called ketones to build up in the blood and urine, which can be life-threatening.

In case of Type 2 diabetes, the body produces insulin and can get glucose from food. But, the cells are not able to use glucose because the available insulin is unable to perform properly. This phenomenon is called insulin resistance and this aids the glucose build up in the blood causing the sugar levels to climb.


The symptoms of diabetes vary, and in case of Type 2 diabetes, there may be no symptoms at all. However, the most common symptoms are:
• Frequent urination
• Extreme thirst
• Unnecessarily losing weight
• Developing hunger pangs
• Blurry vision
The Other symptoms are:
• Numbness of either hands or feet
• Lethargy and tiredness
• Dry skin
• Slow healing of sores
• Prone to infections
These symptoms are caused by high blood sugar. Some may seem minor. But, it is better to get checked early as early detection of diabetes can decrease the chance of having complications later.
People with type 2 diabetes have to pay a little more attention to what they're eating and doing than others. In that regard, some of the precautionary measures are as follows:
• Eat healthy so as to keep blood sugar levels under control
• Exercise regularly
• Take insulin shots or medicines that help insulin to work better
• Periodically check blood sugar levels
• Get regularly checked up by doctors to remain healthy and avoid any diabetes related problems.

Diabetes diet
Adherence to a diabetes diet is helpful for patients to lose weight properly and reduces the risk of high blood sugar levels. Hence, let us review the guidelines for diabetes diet planning
• Many experts, including the American Diabetes Association, recommend that 50 to 60 percent of daily calories should come from carbohydrates, 12 to 20 percent from protein, and no more than 30 percent from fat.
• Spacing meals throughout the day, instead of eating heavy meals once or twice a day, can help a person avoid extremely high or low blood glucose levels.
• With a few exceptions, the best way to lose weight is gradually: one or two pounds a week. Strict diets must never be undertaken without the supervision of a doctor. (
Though diabetes can be dangerous, through proper care, it is possible to lead a healthy life. The solution is to take precautions and get regular updates with the doctor.

About the Author
Cathrine is an associated editor to the website Getmedix is committed to provide visitors with complete information on Health Care, men's health, sexual health, and online prescription drugs like … latest news,diet pills, personal views, and articles on related topics. Your feedback & comments will be highly appreciated at email


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