Diabetes: Diabetogenic Environments by Hector Milla

 Diabetes: Diabetogenic Environments by Hector Milla

Western society is referred to as diabetogenic, places where people have easy access to high fat, high calorie foods and others, these ones do not have to work hard or to walk to get this kind of products.

Many doctors suggest that diabetes may be reduced by societal changes; they argued that inactivity and energy abundance in "diabetogenic" societies confer a reproductive advantage to men and women that are able to cope with the lifestyle that they live. Humans that live in an environment where food is difficult to obtain main that physical activity is involved.

Changing the human biology it is not possible at time, but changes to the way that neighborhoods are built may be done; giving to people all sorts of drugs is a policy that not going to work for all of them, exhorting people to change their lifestyle is the right way.

A populations' ability to cope with this kind of environments depend of many factors, such as;

- Exposure time
- They have been protected
- Stable food supply
- Developing food policies
- Promotion consumption of less energy dense food
- Incentives to companies to develop healthy foods
- Building environments that promote activities

If we keep building diabetogenic environments, we can not expect that people's behavior will be different that environments tell them to behave. It must be natural to people to behave another way.

Diabetes may reduce fertility; increase the risks of earlier death. Consequently, countries must be aware and preoccupied about the environments that they are designing and developing, if people are able to cope with these ones, they are more likely to have children, grandchildren and ultimately great-grandchildren.

Conclusions; there are other risks that diabetes might produce like the ones mentioned above, but in this case we are talking about how we are building diabetogenic environments. To say, places where the inactivity and unhealthy foods consume are promoted actively. Consequently, developing a diabetogenic society, manipulating environments - not individuals - is the best way to stop the epidemic of diabetes.

About the Author
Article written by Hector Milla editor of http://www.MyDiabetesSupply.com,
He writes articles about diabetes supply
and related information, you may see their last article :: Juvenile
Diabetes Warning Signs :: at http://www.mydiabetessupply.com/1/juvenile-diabetes-warning-sign.html
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