Dispelling 6 myths about diabetes: How glyconutrients can help with your diabetes. by Lee Berlemann

 Dispelling 6 myths about diabetes: How glyconutrients can help with your diabetes. by Lee Berlemann

You are about to discover a scientifically proven nutritional supplement that boosts your immune system and gets your diabetes under control.

But before we get too far along, let's dispell with some "myths" about diabetes.

Myth #1 If You Have Diabetes You Will Always Be Sick No. Diabetics can lead ordinary, healthy and productive lives.

Myth #2: If it is in your family, you will get it too. No. Studies have shown that there is a genetic
predisposition for diabetes, so if it runs in the family, it should be taken as a sign that individuals may have an increased risk for developing the disease.

However, a risk does not necessarily mean that individuals are bound to end up with the disease. There are many preventative measures that can be taken in order to decrease risk, such as exercise, healthy diet, and weight conciseness.

Myth #3 You can catch diabetes from someone else. No. Although we don't know exactly why some people get diabetes, we know that diabetes is not contagious. It can't be caught like a cold or flu. There seems to be some genetic link in diabetes, particularly Type 2 diabetes. But environmental factors also play a part.

Myth #4 Eating too much sugar causes diabetes. No. Diabetes is caused by a combination of genetic and environmental factors. However, being overweight does increase your risk of developing Type 2 diabetes, so if you have a history of diabetes in your family, a healthy diet and regular exercise are recommended to control your weight.

Myth #5 People with diabetes can't eat sweets or chocolate. No. You can have some sugar, but choose wisely. Sweets are no more out of bounds to people with diabetes than they are to the rest of us, if eaten as part of a healthy diet, or combined with exercise. People who take certain tablets or insulin to treat their diabetes may sometimes need to eat high-sugar foods to prevent their blood glucose levels falling too low.

Myth #6 People with diabetes can't drink alcohol. No. You can drink alcohol occasionally if you limit your intake. Just because you have diabetes doesn't mean you can't enjoy an occasional alcoholic beverage. If you do, practice moderation -- no more than a drink or two a few times a week. Alcohol is full of calories and doesn't supply any nutrients. Like sugary foods, alcohol is best kept as an occasional indulgence, and not a regular part of your diet.

Diabetes is a group of diseases that affect the way your body uses blood sugar (glucose). This sugar is vital to your health because it's your body's main source of fuel.

Glyconutrients are eight simple sugars that Harpers Biochemistry, (every Doctor¡¯s biochemistry "bible"), calls "essential sugars". These are simple sugars or "monosacharrides" that create cellular communication. They are responsible for getting your cells to "talk" to one another.

Today, there are over 350,000 peer-reviewed scientific papers on glycobiology available for Medical Professionals to review on the internet. Since 1994 there have been Four Nobel Prizes for Physiology and Medicine related to the discovery of these essential sugars.

The fact is regardless of what your wellness issue glyconutrients will restart your cellular communication. Cells are a basic building block of our physiology.

Healthy cells make healthy tissues. Healthy tissue makes healthy organs. Healthy organs make healthy systems. If your systems are working synergistically together and are healthy at the cellular level then you do not have a health problem.

So, it really doesn't matter whether your wellness issue is diabetes or heart disease or cancer or fibromyalgia or multiple sclerosis or asthma: glyconutrients work for all the trillions of cells in your body.

What do glyconutrients really mean to diabetics? Well for one thing they cut right through both the numerous myths and standard facts of diabetes.

Glyconutrients will change how you deal with your diabetes. The natural change in your body¡¯s energy after using glyconutrients will make a noticeable change in your overall health.

About the Author
Lee Berlemann's FREE ebook titled, "Amazing Sweet Magic: Diabetics Discover Sugars That Heal" offers hope for you and your family's health challenges. Obtain your FREE copy at:


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