Dispelling 6 myths about diabetes: How glyconutrients can help with your diabetes. by Lee Berlemann

Dispelling 6 myths about diabetes: How glyconutrients can help with your diabetes. by Lee Berlemann You are about to discover a scientifically proven nutritional supplement that boosts your immune system and gets your diabetes under control. But before we get too far along, let's dispell with some "myths" about diabetes. Myth #1 If You Have Diabetes You Will Always Be Sick No. Diabetics can lead ordinary, healthy and productive lives. Myth #2: If it is in your family, you will get it too. No. Studies have shown that there is a genetic predisposition for diabetes, so if it runs in the family, it should be taken as a sign that individuals may have an increased risk for developing the disease. However, a risk does not necessarily mean that individuals are bound to end up with the disease. There are many preventative measures that can be taken in order to decrease risk, such as exercise, healthy diet, and weight c...